LOLER Testing

Elite Coach Works carry out LOLER Testing on coaches, which is a necessary requirement to ensure lifting equipment is checked and maintained to keep it safe for use.

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) are set of regulations that need to be followed with LOLER Testing, which is designed to ensure your lifting equipment is compliant and safe for its intended use. It involves a comprehensive examination by a competent person every 6 months to ensure the lifting equipment and accessories remain safe for use.

This person will have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the lifting equipment being LOLER tested, and be fully trained and LOLER certified.

A 'thorough examination' under LOLER involves all matters that affect the safety of any lifting equipment installed, whereby a systematic and detailed examination of the lifting equipment, accessories and its safety-critical parts is conducted based on industry standard procedures and criteria.

LOLER inspections require lifting equipment on coaches to be examined:

  • Before the lifting equipment's initial use at each location
  • Every 6 months for all lifting equipment in coaches and associated accessories used to lift people
  • Every 12 months for any other lifting equipment on coaches

Contact Elite Coach Works to find out more about our LOLER testing service.

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